Re-directing wanderlust during lockdown.

The view from Little Mt Peel looking West.

The view from Little Mt Peel looking West.

It is difficult for us souls who are curious and crave a sense of adventure.

To be in an enforced lockdown for those who love to be outdoors, or those who love to travel, is indeed a challenging time mentally. Let’s not go into how lucky we are compared to those who are sick or who have lost loved ones to this virus - that is not what this post is about, it is not a guilt-fest, to keep ourselves in check for even daring to feel hard done by; it is a post to help manage the feelings that can come with not being able to access the places we normally might, in the outdoors.

We cannot underplay the stress that people will be experiencing during this time, and those that use adventure as a medium to navigate through the world, will more than likely be feeling anxious.

Here are some ways to help managing ‘separation anxiety’ from the outdoors :

1. Check out the nature areas close to you that you could access via foot or bicycle

If you are used to jumping in your car and driving to a trailhead to access nature, why not walk or bike there if it is not too far away. With conflicting messages over how far one can drive to access trails, it would pay to err on the side of caution and seek an alternative method to get there. Check out google maps for other nearby trails that you previously never been to.

2. If you are not close to a trail, develop different routes in your neighbourhood for walking

To keep this from becoming monotonous, try to mix up your routes but you could also turn the walks into an adventure, by (for example), checking our the neighbourhood’s gardens - you might garner inspiration for something that you could do in your own garden!

3. Create a garden or re-design your existing outdoor space

Now is a great time to get stuck into the garden or outdoors in your own backyard (if you have one). You could use this time to create a space that you love to be in - prune trees perhaps; plant vegetables; place some outdoor seating in a spot where you normally would not place it; make some outdoor furniture - old doors and concrete blocks are perfect for this so long as they’re covered during rain. There are many things you can do to enhance your outdoor spaces ands this is also great if you have kids, who could get involved and take on a different form of learning.

4. Walk to the supermarket with your hiking pack on

I stole this idea from my friends who live on a hill in Dunedin, New Zealand. They each wear their packs and walk down to do their shopping, load up their hiking packs and walk back up the hill to their home with newly acquired weight! This turns even the mundane task of shopping, into an adventure (not to mention an excellent workout!).

5. On yer bike!

If you do not get onto a bicycle very often, now is the perfect chance to change that! If you own a bike, dust it off. You can cover so much more ground on a bike, and right now the roads are practically empty, so it is a cyclists haven! Take a camera, a pump, spare tube and tyre repair kit if you have them and get out and about.


6. Start an online exercise routine

For those days when you do not feel like getting outdoors, or when it rains, an online class will lend a hand to keeping itchy feet in check. There are numerous options, including exercises you could include into a walk (when the rain stops), for hiking; there’s yoga; Les Mills fitness classes on TVNZ Ondemand and many other options you can find on Youtube.

7. Day dream! Make an intention list of hikes you will do as soon as the lockdown is over

Having some hope in times like this, is pivotal to staying positive. Having activities to look forward to, bring us an opportunity to plan and research; so what about making a list of places you will hike once an appropriate level of movement is given back. The Department of Conservation has many day walking tracks, huts, multi-day hikes and places to visit, so why not plan a hike to somewhere new.

8. Dream big! Jump onto google earth and explore.

Google earth is awesome for getting up-close views of far-away places. Pick a country or city you would like to go to and explore it through google earth. 

9. Do a little, often

If you are still working from home, there is a chance you will be sitting in one spot for longer. If you do a little movement more often, you can scratch that itchy feet urge as well as keep your body from becoming stiff. Maybe take a walk around the block every hour or two. Maybe have a morning walk and then an evening bike ride. If you have kids this may be difficult, but if walking, take them too. Try to keep as active as humanely possible without driving everyone else around you crazy.

10. Just get outside and bask in the sunshine when you can.

If all else fails, at least lifting your face up towards the sun once a day (if the sun shines), is better than being inside all day long. This is immune-building as well as feeling just so darn good. A good 20 Minutes in the middle of the day, will do wonders. Hopefully if you are outside gardening, walking, cycling or playing with your kids, dogs or maybe even washing your car, you will be getting some valuable sunshine without consciously doing so.

Lastly …

Being anxious can result in our immune system reducing in function. This makes us more susceptible to illness. If you find yourself becoming really stressed from being cooped up, at the very very least try some deep slow breathing, somewhere alone and quiet, when these feelings arise. Our body knows when something is bothering us and we wear these anxieties and stresses in our joints, fascia and muscles. There are many resources online for those who need some guidance in relaxation breathing.

