Little Leaf Creative is now live!

Its been a long long day in my office today. My bum has not left the seat - except for essential things such as brewing coffee and eating cherry's.

Today I morphed my old website of into I am by no means complete and I have to delete all the products in my shop and start again, add new photos and set about taking a bunch of photos of the products I currently have for sale. The aching bum has been well worth it, as it really is one of those jobs that can be put on the back burner in the nether-regions of ones brain, never to be seen again.

My idea to morph Heart and Hands with Little Leaf, came about as a way to market my creative side whilst using some of the profits through sales (here's hoping) to support the village of Changu Narayan in Nepal - a place that is firmly embedded within my heart and soul.

I have a belief that through my small efforts, I can make a small difference.

Please join me as I grow this website and connect creativity with compassion.
