The blog posts that never happened

We all have those good intentions .... right? Well I for one know that I am full of them; in fact they are bursting out of me, only, they usually end up in a pile on my bedroom floor - I simply have so many I do not know what to do with them. For over 2 years now my website, has sat pretty much unused. I started out with a hiss and a roar; developed the site with one of those 'good intentions' and then sat and looked at my handiwork and exhaled. There it stopped.  I need to reinstate my energy in terms of where to go and what to do with this website. One idea is to totally redevelop it into a site for my photography and creative stuff - which falls under the label of Little Leaf Creative. Little Leaf has really officially been launched; it just IS ... if you get what I mean. Then I thought "what if Little Leaf Creative got together with heartandhandsnepal, and together they created some magic?". So, I think for now, because the organisations within Nepal that I wish to promote are doing such an incredible job and will remain forever in my heart, I will continue to support these through sales of my own creations through Little Leaf. Little Leaf Creations does not have a website, however I think it should. What I want mostly from Little Leaf, is that any work I sell will provide a percentage to some of the organisations I have happily promoted here on this website. If Little Leaf Creative could do that, then it will be a marriage made in heaven, and heartandhandsnepal can carry on. So bare with ... bare with ... I shall get onto the job of adding images for sale in the form of photo blocks or canvases, and will also add images of my jewellery and other products I design and produce. This is a good thing. To see products for sale, go to the "products" tab of this website.

Perhaps I should add a few blogs from time to time also!
