"Obsession is essential to creativity"
I don't know who penned that quote, but I think it's on the button. You may have heard of creative people stating they have "blocks" - writer's block, painter's block and so on. I feel right now I have vision block.
As a person who likes to photograph the world around me, I sometimes feel that I cannot escape the obsession to photograph. My camera goes with me almost everywhere, and I have certainly now invested some big dollars in camera gear. It is not that I feel I must somehow justify it's existance - it is more that I just want to delve deeper into the parts of the equipment that help me to truly see the world as I wish to see it. Lately, however, I cannot see. I look - but the looking is casual, like a glance - the depth is missing; the context lost; meaning waits uncrafted.
There exists within me a kind of weary urgency - that I might miss something, if I do not have my camera with me. I fear the passing of a moment; so vivid,; so imbued with life and energy; passed over to someone else's vision, should I not capture it inside my camera. I fear what the world would be like, if I could not view it through my lens.
So - there is always the need for vision and the obsession with seeing.
The block to my vision appears to be tangible right now. Perhaps too many other things in my world standing in my way - blocking the view. Certainly, I know creative energy and vision goes through ebbs and flows, and it is perhaps this natural drawing in - pulling back, that allows one to be in that creative space again.
For now, I take my camera with me anyway; a trusted companion - like a guide dog - in the expectation it will lead me towards a sense of vision, again. Until then - everything is blurry.