Curious sheep "blocked' my view in an attempt to capture this old stone farm shed in infrared, recently. Using a wide-angle 14mm lens on a friends infrared converted camera, I thought these sheds would look amazing in the surreal tones infrared offers. However, I was not so keen on having the sheep in the image! These animals were so curious and friendly that they came right up to me while I sat there attempting to photograph from the view point I wanted to capture. The resulting image with sheep included, in my view, enhanced the context rather than detracted from it, adding to the mood of the image and giving it a focus.
I love the way infrared manages to represent what the world looks like in my dreams. When I process an infrared image, I want it to appear as if I have dreamt of the scene I captured. I want it to appear both impossible and possible at the same time - 'other worldly'.
Canon 6D converted to infrared (680nm); 1/160sec; f/16; 14mm; ISO 50