Fundraiser for Dolpa Education Development Project

Well yes I know we have just had one of the most expensive times of the year (Christmas), here in New Zealand, and gifting money is the last thing on the minds of many of you. Even though I primarily wish to support the village of Changu Narayan through this website, I made many contacts through the people who live in Changu Narayan, one of who was a young teacher called Pema Tsering Gurung. This young man is utterly driven and passionate about bringing the best possible to his village school Tashi Sumdho Primary School in Dolpa, very high in the mountainous area of Nepal where condtions are harsh.


Pema has reached out to me for help. So I have started a Givealittle page for his cause. Recently he sent me a breakdown of how much money he actiually needed for the school. A total of $1300 NZD would provide a multitude of school supplies including sports equipment, plus pay the wages of a cook for 6 months - YES - 6 months!

This fundraiser will run for about 6 weeks and in that time I really wish to raise the money he needs.

The fundraiser requires moderation - where I get an initial donation or two. Please, even a small amount will help get this kick-started.

Thank you so much for your help.


Kerensa Clark and Pema Tsering Gurung.
